Dino is a high-level, dynamically typed, scripting language that has been designed for simplicity, uniformity, and expressiveness. Dino is similar to such well known scripting languages as Python, Perl, and Lua. As most programmers know the C language, Dino resembles C where possible.

Dino is an extensible, object oriented language that has garbage collection. It supports parallelism description, exception handling, pattern matching, and dynamic loading of libraries written on other languages. Dino works on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows under CYGWIN.

Here is short code to taste Dino:

Eratosthenes sieve:

    var i, prime, count = 0, SieveSize = 8191;
    var flags = [SieveSize : 1];
    for (i = 0; i < SieveSize; i++)
      if (flags[i]) {
        prime = i + i + 3;
        flags[i + prime:SieveSize:prime] = 0;
    putln (count);

Simple binary tree and its traversal:

    class tree {}
    class leaf (i) {use tree;} class node (l, r) {use tree;}

    fun exists_leaf (test, t) {
      pmatch (t) {
        case leaf (v): return test (v);
        case node (l, r):
          return exists_leaf (test, l) || exists_leaf (test, r);
    fun has_odd_leaf (t) {
      exists_leaf (fun (n) {type (n) == int && n % 2 == 1;}, t);

For more info about Dino see section Learn.